All bags are made to order, and there is no inventory of pre-made bags. On special occasions, I might have a limited number of pre-made items to sell through this website, which will be announced on the homepage. I use both upcycled and new materials for bag production. This means that specific fabric and yarn types, textures and colors used the bag pictures shown on this website may no longer be available at the time of your order.
Most clients simply tell me what bag they like from the lookbook slideshow on the homepage. I will then talk to you about any specifications like color, size, trimmings, etc. Once we both decide on your bag, I will give you a quote and an invoice.
Full payment for bags plus shipping/handling is due before the bag is made. Depending on the bag, it can take between three to seven business days to create the bag and then have it shipped. Price ranges widely depending on the bag, but a starting price for most bags is $80.
Leather Bag Notice
I am only making crochet and fabric bags for quick turnover right now, as I already have a large number of orders for leather bags going into mid-2020. I won’t be taking leather orders again until further notice.